Another Unbelievable but true story! Really? Lady Gaga may have to sue ‘The Ice Creamist Designer Ice Cream Parlor’ in Covent Garden, London, because they have marketed a new Ice Cream called ‘Baby Gaga’. That’s not so bad, right? Here is the gross unbelievable factor, the ice cream is supposed to be made with real breast milk. What? Where did they get the milk from? Who volunteers their breast milk to be an ingredient in ice cream?

Lady Gaga’s Lawyers are reporting that the flavor is ‘nausea inducing’. Well…..yes, I would have to believe so. Currently, the flavor is being investigated by the Health Department, so it is unavailable to the public.  More importantly…..who was buying it? I guess the ice cream is considered a delicacy (no doubt with all that Mother’s milk) and cost $22.50 a serving.   I cannot even make this up. There are some really nasty people out there! Who would eat ice cream with a stranger’s breast milk in it? EWWW

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